Properly maintaining your lawn throughout the spring, summer and fall pays huge dividends towards the look, comfort and beauty of your home. Unfortunately, ignoring or improperly maintaining your lawn results in numerous problems that will negatively affect your property.
Poor lawn care can create a lot of grief in the long run, but hiring a capable landscaping team can save you precious time and prevent costly lawn deterioration over the years.
1. Compromised Soil
Soil can be a very temperamental element of lawn care, and improper maintenance makes things even trickier. Without proper soil aeration, fertilization or mowing, soil can become compacted and unhealthy. This is not only problematic in the moment, but continued negligence will make it more difficult for your lawn to support plant life down the road.
2. Environmental Footprint
Research from environmental consultant Ranajit Sahu demonstrates that lawns subject to regular maintenance recycle carbon dioxide from the air more efficiently. The more you take care of your lawn, the more good it will do for both you and the environment at large.
3. Poor Turf
When you do not mow your lawn regularly or efficiently, it damages the grass and makes it more difficult to recover later. Only one-third of the grass height should be removed during any given mowing — any more can cause long-term stress and damage to the grass, and lawn mowed too short also leaves more room for weeds to take hold.
On the other hand, grass left to grow too tall creates excess shade that leaves gaps where weeds can squeeze in. Also, because of the one-third rule for mowing, tall grass complicates your regular mowing schedule.
4. Unbalanced Plant Life, Grass and Soil
Creating an effective symmetry with your lawn elements often requires a professional assessment of the different features of your lawn. There are various types of soil, plant life and grass, and each variety has its own unique requirements and degrees of compatibility with other features of your lawn. Not understanding the pH value of your soil, the demands of your particular grass variety, or the best growing conditions for your plants can all contribute to a nasty situation down the line.
5. Wasted Grass Clippings
Many assume that grass clippings need to be bagged and thrown out or composted. However, grass clippings contain many natural nutrients that can do wonders for the health of your lawn when redistributed over your property. Professional landscapers will have access to high-grade mowers with a mulch setting that produces fine grass clippings that make ideal natural supplements to your lawn.
For more information on the landscape design and maintenance from Harder and Warner Landscaping, please contact us here or call us directly at 616.698.6910.